[originaltext]M: I’ve just brought your ladder back, Mrs. Fielding. Thanks for

游客2023-09-04  11

M: I’ve just brought your ladder back, Mrs. Fielding. Thanks for lending it to me. Where shall I leave it?
W: Just lean it against the wall there. How are you settling down in the new house?
M: Oh, fine, thanks. All the neighbours have been very kind. We think we’ll be very happy here.
W: I’m sure you’ll soon feel at home. Use the ladder again any time.
M: Thanks… Er… Do you mind if I borrow one of your drills?
W: There are all my drills. Which one do you want?
M: Any one will do. I only want to drill some holes in the wall to put up some shelves.
W: Well, take the electric one. It bores holes through anything.
M: How does it work? I don’t want to ruin it.
W: It’s child’s play. Anyone can use it. You just plug it in and press this switch; release the switch and it stops again.
M: I’ll need some long screws as well. They’re out of stock at Smith’s hardware stores. Do you know where I can buy some?
W: Try Thorne’s in Paul Street; You can usually find anything you want there… Hang on a minute though; I’ve got lots of screws in that tin there. Help yourself if there is any the right size.
M: That’s very generous of you, Mrs. Fielding. Thank you very much.
W: You’re welcome, Mr. Williams. Always glad to oblige a neighbour.
Questions 19 to 21 are based on the conversation you have just heard.
19. What can we learn about the man from the conversation?
20. Why does the man borrow the drill?
21. Where could the man buy the long screws according to the woman?

选项 A、He comes to borrow the woman’s ladder.
B、He has been the woman’s neighbour for many years.
C、He moved here not long ago.
D、He is going to move to other places

答案 C

解析 选项均为与He有关的完整句子表明,本题考查与He有关的事实状况。对话中女士问男士How are you settling down in the new house? 男士回答说很好,所有的邻居都十分友善,由此可知,男士刚搬来不久,故答案为[C]。