[originaltext]W: Since it’s the rush hour, let’s take the subway.M: OK. It’s n

游客2023-09-03  16

W: Since it’s the rush hour, let’s take the subway.
M: OK. It’s not as direct as the bus, but it’s faster and there will be less chance of a traffic jam. I think it is the best choice for us right now.
Q: Why do the man and the woman make such a decision?
M: This TV set is getting worse and worse. Now it doesn’t work at all.
W: Here’s an advertisement in the newspaper about a big TV sale. Usually a big sale like this would have some good bargains. What would you say?
Q: What does the woman suggest?

选项 A、The TV set is usually on sale.
B、They have to bargain on the sale.
C、They advertise to sell their TV set.
D、They go to buy a TV set at a bargain price.

答案 D

解析 对话开头男士抱怨说This TV set … doesn’t work at all(电视机……彻底坏了),接着女士提到Here’s … a big TV sale … would have some good bargains(有……一个大型电视促销活动…会有便宜货),即女士建议他们去参加促销活动,廉价买一台电视机,故答案为[D]。