When you go to a company for an interview, there is no need to care the feelings

游客2023-09-03  13

问题 When you go to a company for an interview, there is no need to care the feelings oftbe receptionists. [br] The question about satisfaction with pay and benefits is not included in the 12 questions because it’s important to all employees, whether ______ or not.


答案 they’re engaged in their work。

解析 根据题干中的信息词satisfaction with pay and benefits定位到第二个小标题下 12个问题之后的第四段,可知对于薪水和福利的满意度没有出现在列表中不是因为它们不重要,而是因为它们对所有员工来说都很重要,无论这些员工是否专心投入工作,由此可得答案。