[originaltext]M: I think the whole class is going on the field trip next Friday

游客2023-09-03  12

M: I think the whole class is going on the field trip next Friday.
W: I am not so sure. You know not everybody can afford the transportation fee.
Q: What does the woman imply?
W: Where shall we spend our holidays this year, Tom? Going away or staying at home?
M: We’re definitely going abroad, dear. But I don’t think we’ll go away in May. I doubt if we’ll have enough money saved up by then.
Q: Why can’t the couple go abroad in May?

选项 A、Because they have some financial problems.
B、Because they will be much rain in May.
C、Because they won’t have free time in May.
D、Because they can’t have everything got ready by then.

答案 A

解析 目标原因题 。女士询问男士今年的度假地点,男士说去国外度假,但是五月份可能因为没有攒够钱而不能去,由此可见他们在经济上还有一些问题,对话中并没有提到天气,时间和准备物品的问题,故 A项为正确答案。