It can be inferred from the first paragraph that ______. [br] What can we learn

游客2023-09-03  17

问题 It can be inferred from the first paragraph that ______. [br] What can we learn about the subjects in the CALERIE study?

选项 A、They were selected by the National Institutes of Health.
B、They were divided into two groups according to their sex and age.
C、Half of them became thinner after the study.
D、They received periodical medical checks during the 6 months.

答案 C

解析 由题干关键词CALERIE定位到原文第二段。第二段最后一句指出实验组的人实际的热量摄入量不足以维持原来的体重,而实验组的人数和对照组的人数相同,C与之相符。 第二段第一句sponsored一词说明American’s National Institutes of Health对该研究项目提供资金支持,故排除A;第二段第二句对照组和实验组是随机产生的,故排除B;第四段虽涉及到受实验者身体状况的变化,但没有明确提出是否对他们进行定期检查,故排除D。