There are many features that【C1】______ a movie as American, but perhaps the

游客2023-09-03  17

问题     There are many features that【C1】______ a movie as American, but perhaps the most【C2】______  is the theme of the loner-hero. In the western movie, which comes out of many【C3】______ of the American West, a typical figure is the lonesome cowboy. He wanders into a town and【C4】______ out its troubles. Then the strong and independent hero rides off in to the sunset【C5】______ . Americans like this【C6】______ in their films because they are【C7】______ independent, and individualism【C8】______ a great deal with them. An individual, who is able to【C9】______ . the evils of the world, or of a small town, is someone to admire.
    Even the gangster movie, a very popular【C10】______ of the typical American film, usually has a hero. 【C11】______ he is a lawman out to catch the criminals or a gangster who suddenly sees the light and tries to go【C12】______ . During the violence-ridden period of Prohibition in the 1920s, the gangster movie【C13】______ in popularity. These films kept the same 【C14】______ as the western-- the bad cannot triumph. One good person can save the innocent.
    Recent science fiction films deal【C15】______ the same theme. Against the forces of the alien powers, people will fight to protect their ideals. Here, too, the action【C16】______ around a single individual,  【C17】______ he or she must save the world. The hero battles the unknown, trusting in inner capabilities and in the power of good【C18】______ evil. Fearless, the hero of a typical American movie does not【C19】______ to jump into the action. This dominant theme of the American movie is familiar【C20】______ people around the world. [br] 【C20】

选项 A、with

答案 C

解析 固定搭配题。句中be familiar to somebody构成固定搭配,意为“被某人所熟悉”,句子的意思是美国影片的这个支配性的主题为全世界的人民所熟悉。选项中be familiar with也是固定搭配,某人熟悉某事,不符合题意,所以正确答案为C 。