[originaltext]W:With the company in such financial difficulties, I wonder what

游客2023-09-02  14

W:With the company in such financial difficulties, I wonder what will happen to the president.
M:Haven’t you heard? The board of directors has asked for his resignation.
Q:What happened to the president of the company?
M:I really had a busy week.I always enjoy a long siesta on Saturday afternoon.
W:I don’t think you call.Mr. Smith has just parked his car at the door, and he is coming.
Q:What can we learn from this conversation?

选项 A、Saturday afternoon was the man’s busy hours.
B、Mr. Smith is an old friend of the man’s.
C、The man won’t be able to enjoy a long siesta.
D、The man will enjoy himself that afternoon.

答案 C

解析 男士说他这星期很忙,一般都是在周六下午有午休(a long siesta)。女士回答说史密斯先生刚把车停在门前,他马上就来了。问题是,从对话我们能得到怎样的信息。“Mr. Smith has just parked his car at the door"从这句话得知,男士这周六下午就没有午休了。因此本题选C项。