In a typical day of Laine Caspi, she spends most of her time ________. [br] What

游客2023-09-02  11

问题 In a typical day of Laine Caspi, she spends most of her time ________. [br] What can be inferred about the life of working mothers in the past?

选项 A、They turned to their parents to look after their young children.
B、They had to do all the housework after returning from work.
C、They sought for jobs that required only a few working hours.
D、They were not allowed to leave for family during working hours.

答案 D

解析 文章第二段第一句指出职业母亲在现在和过去的主要区别是:工作和生活的界限逐渐消失,由此可以推知过去的职业母亲在上班时间无法顾及家庭,而第三段第二句join the 9-to-5 compartmentalized workplace更加明确了这一点,D与之相符。第三段第二句指出过去的职业母亲不得不在上班时间把孩子放在托儿所,故排除A;第三句还指出她们在下班后handle 75% of the housework,故排除B。