It’s a (47)______ often requested in lonely hearts ads and scientists have n

游客2023-09-02  20

问题     It’s a (47)______ often requested in lonely hearts ads and scientists have now shown that a good sense of humor is (48)______ for women, but not men, in choosing a romantic partner. A woman is even willing to (49)______ other shortcomings in a man if he can make her laugh, researchers said on Tuesday. "Our results suggest that humor can (50)______ affect desirability as a relationship partner but this effect is most likely to occur when men use humor and are (51)______ by women," said Eric Bressler, of Westfield State College in Massachusetts.
    Bressler and Sigal Balshine, of McMaster University in Ontario, Canada, demonstrated in an experiment that a good sense of humor—G.S.O.H. as it appears in personal ads—does make a (52)______. They showed groups of women pictures of two equally (53)______ men and presented autobiographical statements that were either funny or serious. After (54)______ the experiment and showing groups of. men photographs of two women, they asked both sexes to select who they would choose as a romantic partner. The humorous people were seen as more socially adept but less trustworthy, honest and intelligent. Men did not select the funny person but women did. "Women chose funny men as relationship partners despite often (55)______ them as less honest and intelligent," the researchers said in the study published in the journal Evolution and Human Behavior. Funny men were preferred even if their humor was (56)______, the researchers added.

              Word Bank:
A. difference           I. important
B. evaluated            J. overtake
C. rating               K. positively
D. unsophisticated      L. reversing
E. trait                M. minorly
F. unimportant          N. overlook
G. rehearsaling         O. chasing
H. attractive


答案 D

解析 从even if可以看出这是一个让步状语从句,本句意为“即使男性的幽默比较简单,也同样能够受到女性的青睐”,列表中只有unsophisticated“不老练的,不精通的”能够体现此意。