Eleven summers ago I was sent to a management program at the Wharton School
Eleven summers ago I was sent to a management program at the Wharton School
Eleven summers ago I was sent to a management program at the Wharton School to be prepared for bigger things. Along with lectures on finance and entrepreneurship and the like, the program included a delightfully out-of-place session with Al Filreis, an English professor at the University of Pennsylvania, on poetry.
For three hours he talked us through "The Red Wheelbarrow" and "Stopping by Woods on a Snowy Evening." The experience—especially when contrasted with the horrible prose of our other assigned reading—sent me fleeing to the campus bookstore, where I resumed a long-interrupted romance with meter and rhyme (韵).
Professor Filreis says that he is "a little shocked" at how intensely his Wharton students respond to this unexpected deviation from the businesslike, not just as a relief but as a kind of stimulus. Many write afterward asking him to recommend books of poetry. Especially now.
"The grim economy seems to make the participants keener than ever to think ’out of the box’ in the way poetry encourages," he told me.
Which brings me to Congress, an institution stuck deeper inside the box than just about any other these days. You have probably heard that up on Capitol Hill (美国国会山), they’re very big on prayer breakfasts, where members gather over scrambled eggs and ask God for wisdom. You can judge from the agonizing debt spectacle we’ve watched this summer how well that’s working. Well, maybe it’s time to add some poetry readings to the agenda.
I’m not suggesting that poetry will guide our legislators to wisdom any more than prayer has. Just that it might make them a little more human. Poetry is no substitute for courage or competence, but properly applied, it is a challenge to self-certainty, which we currently have in excess. Poetry serves as a spur to creative thinking, a reproach to dogma and habit, a remedy to the current fashion for pledge signing.
The poet Shelley, in defense of poetry nearly two centuries ago, wrote, "A man, to be greatly good, must imagine intensely and comprehensively; he must put himself in the place of another and of many others; the pains and pleasures of his species must become his own." Shelley concludes that essay by calling poets "the unacknowledged legislators of the world," because they bring imagination to the realm of "reasoners and mechanists."
The relevance of poetry was declared more concisely in five lines from the love poem "Asphodel, That Greeny Flower," by William Carlos Williams:
It is difficult
to get the news from poems
yet men die miserably every day
for lack
of what is found there. [br] What was the impact of the poetry session on the program participants according to Professor Filreis?
A、It inspired them to view things from broader perspectives.
B、It led them to think poetry indispensable to management.
C、It helped them develop a keener interest in literature.
D、It encouraged them to embark on a political career.
题目询问Filreis教授认为诗歌课对学员的影响是什么。第4段Filreis教授说,严峻的经济似乎让学员比以往任何时候都更加渴望用诗歌所激发的“打破常规”的方式思考。out of the box原指“开箱即用”,这里引申为“具有创造性的,打破常规”的意思。故A项“启发他们从更广的角度看待事物”正确。
下列交通安全的设施中哪种设施不起诱导视线的作用()。A.指示标志 B.防撞筒
共用题干 甲花4万元收买被拐卖妇女周某做智障儿子的妻子,周某不从,伺机逃走。甲
下列各项中,属于经营活动产生的现金流量的是()。A.变卖固定资产 B.取得债
为改善拌合物的流动性,常用的外加剂有( )。A.早强剂 B.缓凝剂 C.引
关于尾矿的正确说法是( )。A.尾矿是指选矿后残剩的无用矸石 B.尾矿中有一
毒物经呼吸道排出的速度主要取决于( )。A.水溶性 B.肺泡膜内外气体的分压