The author’s attitude toward the basic principles of democracy is apparently one

游客2023-09-01  11

问题 The author’s attitude toward the basic principles of democracy is apparently one of ______. [br] According to the author, men are united most strongly by ______.

选项 A、self-interest
B、fear of common enemy
C、discontent with a common oppressor
D、the shared ideal of making a better world

答案 D

解析 根据文章第三段第一句1可知,共同分享一项事业可以把人们团结起来(the thing that unites them is a cause they shares);而文章第四段最后一句提到,人们必须为一项更伟大的事业而震颤、发奋,看到未来的美好前景(The people must feel the throb of a greater cause,glimpse a vision of a better world)。由此可以判断,只有创造一个更美好世界的共同理想才可以把人们紧密团结起来,故D正确。