[originaltext]W: This apartment consists of two bedrooms, a living room with a

游客2023-08-31  14

W: This apartment consists of two bedrooms, a living room with a satellite TV, a completely equipped kitchen and a great bathroom. And the charge is quite reasonable, you know.
M: Yes, that’s right. But if it’s located on the other side of town, we’ll definitely buy it.
Q: What does the man think of the apartment?
W: Michael, have you seen the new Hollywood movie, Hannah Montana, The Movie? It is great. I love the story, especially the music; that’s my favorite part.
M: Well, it is really not my cup of tea.
Q: What can we learn from the conversation?

选项 A、The man likes the music of the movie.
B、The man doesn’t take to the movie.
C、Both of the two speakers are fond of the movie.
D、The woman likes the plot best.

答案 B

解析 对话中,女士询问男土是否看过好莱坞的新片Hannah Montana, The Movie(汉娜·蒙塔娜:电影版),并说她喜欢这个故事,并认为其中的音乐是她最喜欢的部分;男士回答说他并不喜欢这部影片。故B 为本题答案。