The word "premise"(Para. 1) probably means "______". [br] The negative effect of

游客2023-08-30  13

问题 The word "premise"(Para. 1) probably means "______". [br] The negative effect of engineering solution is that ______.

选项 A、it costs a large amount of money which is not affordable
B、the government worries about the quality of the water conservancy
C、it destroys the habitat of plants and animals of that area
D、the government becomes more and more ignorant

答案 C

解析 细节题。本文第二段第三句“如果建水坝,通常就毁了下游的生态;由此可知修建水利工程的负面影响是破坏了该地区的生态,故C为本题答案。D是针对第二段最后两句“过去由于缺乏知识而忽视了这些问题。但在这个世纪,政府不会再拿无知当借口了”设置的干扰项。由此不能推断出政府越来越无知了。