[originaltext]M: You know, I really think you should run for class president. E

游客2023-08-30  14

M: You know, I really think you should run for class president. Everybody knows you and likes you. And you’ve got some great ideas.
W: Thanks. I have thought about it, but I’m taking six classes and working a part-time job. That’s about all I can handle right now.
Q: What does the woman mean?
W: Finding this china cabinet was a real stroke of luck. Because of the scratch on the side, the dealer charged me $50 less than the regular price.
M: You were very lucky, and with a little polish the scratch won’t even show.
Q: What does the man think of the china cabinet?

选项 A、It is a pity that there is a flaw on it.
B、It is a good bargain but it could be much cheaper.
C、It should be showed to some of the woman’s friends.
D、It is a real bargain because the flaw is hardly noticeable.

答案 D

解析 对话中男士提到,with a little polish the scratch won’t even show(稍微抛光—下,瑕疵就看不出来了),[D]中的bardly noticeable对应won’t even show,故答案为[D]。