[originaltext]M: It doesn’t make any sense to go home for spring vacation now.

游客2023-08-30  17

M: It doesn’t make any sense to go home for spring vacation now.
W: That’s right. Especially since you’ll be graduating in May.
Q: On what did the two speakers agree?
W: Shall I bring you your coffee now or would you rather have it with your lunch?
M: I’d like it now, please.
Q: Where did this conversation most probably take place?

选项 A、At a butcher shop.
B、At a restaurant.
C、At a bookstore.
D、At a grocery store.

答案 B

解析 从对话内容很容易得出是在一家餐馆。 At a butcher shop是在肉铺,At a bookstore在书店,At a grocery store在食品杂货店,这几项都不正确。