Because short messaging service is a kind of data communication, second generati

游客2023-08-30  17

问题 Because short messaging service is a kind of data communication, second generation wireless cannot support it. [br] Whether Beijing 2008 is successful or not can be ascertained by ______ on Beijing after it is over.


答案 the impact it has

解析 由题干中successful定位到全文末段第二句But one other way to measure the success of the Games is the impact it has on the host city after the torch is extinguished.题干中的Beijing 2008与原文中的the Games同指;题干中的Beijing和原文中的host city同指;题干中的it is over和原文中的the torch is extinguished表示的都是“奥运会结束”。故本题应填入the impact it has。