[originaltext]W: I really appreciate your help. Without your direction. I may h

游客2023-08-29  17

W: I really appreciate your help. Without your direction. I may have got lost in this community. It is so out of the way.
M: It was my pleasure to be of help in some way. Good day, madam.
Q: What did the man do?
M: I’m thinking about subscribing to the biology quarterly. It seems to have lots of brilliant papers. I really need to read those papers before I write my own paper.
W: The online database has all these papers and it’s free.
Q: What is the woman’s advice to the man?

选项 A、Not to subscribe to the journal.
B、To buy the latest issue of the journal.
C、Not to miss any brilliant papers.
D、To photocopy the papers in the journal.

答案 A

解析 女士提醒男士,网络数据库里有很多论文,而且免费。言下之意,男士不需要花钱去订阅期刊了。所以A为答案。从选项可猜到对话与学术期刊和论文有关。男士就订阅期刊征求女士的意见,女士没有直接给予回答,而是另起话题,通常不直接回答、顾左右而言他的一般都是因为持否定态度而采用委婉说法。