[originaltext]W: You’re not going to make the call, are you? Aren’t you going t

游客2023-08-29  17

W: You’re not going to make the call, are you? Aren’t you going to wait until dawn? I don’t think it is a right moment for you to pick up the phone.
M: I should wait until then, but I simply can’t.
Q: What can be inferred about the woman?
M: Er... Hi! Could you tell me where electronic products are displayed? I want to see some TVs, digital video cameras, DVD players—that sort of thing.
W: Well, several countries are displaying electronic products. China’s selection is very large this year. You might as well go to the East wing first to take a look at the Chinese booth.
Q: Where is this conversation most probably taking place?

选项 A、At a shopping center.
B、At an electronics company.
C、At an international trade fair.
D、At a DVD counter in a music store.

答案 C

解析 根据several countries和display可以发生地点应在international trade fair(国际贸易展览会)。