[originaltext]W: Do you want me to explain these questions before the exam?M:

游客2023-08-29  17

W: Do you want me to explain these questions before the exam?
M: What’s the point? I don’t understand a single word in it! It seems as if they were written in a foreign language.
Q: What can we learn from the conversation?
W: Did you go see the doctor about your cough?
M: The doctor said if I keep smoking it will increase my chance of having a heart attack or lung disease. And I am thinking about quitting smoking as the problems seem to be quite serious.
Q: What do we know about the man?

选项 A、He has had a heart attack because of smoking.
B、He has serious lung disease.
C、He is coughing because of too much smoking.
D、He will go to see a doctor about his coughing.

答案 C

解析 推断题。本题要在听懂原文的基础上推断出正确答案。女士问男士咳嗽去看过医生没有,男士转述医生的话,如果继续吸烟,那么他患心脏病或肺炎的几率将增大,由此可推断出男士的咳嗽是由吸烟引起的。关键词和短语是cough和keep smoking。男士的回答中a heart attack和lung disease是并列结构,所以A、B均不能入选。