[originaltext]W: Sorry, but can you show me again how to do it?M: Sure. You di

游客2023-08-29  18

W: Sorry, but can you show me again how to do it?
M: Sure. You dig a hole, plant the seed in it, then cover it with dirt and water it.
Q: What does the woman want to do?

选项 A、She wants to water the plants.
B、She wants to grow plants.
C、She wants to be a gardener.
D、She wants to learn a new skill.

答案 B

解析 女士问男士能否再教她一次怎么做。男士回答:当然可以。你先挖个洞把种子埋进去,然后用土把种子盖起来,再浇水上去。由此可见女士想学如何种植物,故选B。