[originaltext]M: I’ve just been over to my friend Tom’s new apartment. It’s muc

游客2023-08-29  13

M: I’ve just been over to my friend Tom’s new apartment. It’s much bigger than my place.
W: But more expensive I bet.
Q: What can be inferred from the conversation?
W: I don’t think I can handle all of these books for this course.
M: I found that you don’t have to read them thoroughly. Just skim through and get the major points.
Q: What does the woman feel about her books?

选项 A、The books are too complicated.
B、The books are too boring to read.
C、The books are too many and she can’t read them all.
D、She feels too tired to read them all.

答案 C

解析 该题是问女士对这些书的看法。单从女士的阐述中很难判断她是由于哪种原因而无法阅读这些书。因此我们得从男士给她的建议中找寻答案。男士说我觉得你没必要通读所有这些书,只要大致浏览一遍,抓住其中的要点就行了。由此判断该女士的问题是书太多读不完。