[originaltext]M: I’ve just been over to my friend Tom’s new apartment. It’s muc

游客2023-08-29  10

M: I’ve just been over to my friend Tom’s new apartment. It’s much bigger than my place.
W: But more expensive I bet.
Q: What can be inferred from the conversation?

选项 A、Tom’s apartment probably costs more than the man’s.
B、The woman’s apartment is better than the man’s.
C、The woman wants to see Tom’s new apartment.
D、The man’s place is becoming more expensive.

答案 A

解析 四个备选项里都提到了apartment和比较级,据此可预判谈话内容会涉及将两个apartment进行比较。对话中的男士说:我刚去看了Tom的新公寓,那地方比我的大。女士回答:我想价格应该也比你的高吧。女士的回答中点明了是“价格”问题,因此答案应与价格有关,可排除B和C。在A和D中,D是说该男士的房价变得更高了,显然与女士的原意相悖,因此可推定A是正确答案。