[originaltext]W: Roger and I would like to go to a movie tonight. Have you seen

游客2023-08-29  16

W: Roger and I would like to go to a movie tonight. Have you seen any good ones lately?
M: saw "The Last Explorer" last night. It’s great. It’s about the highest waterfall in the world. Angel Falls.
Q: What did the man say about the movie?
W: Have you got the news that the manager will be transferred to the headquarters of our company?
M: Really? Who will be our new manager?
Q: What does the man want to know?

选项 A、Where is the manager now?
B、Who will be his new manager?
C、Whether his manager is ill.
D、When the manager will go to the headquarters.

答案 B

解析 细节题。对话中女士先说:“你是否听说我们的经理被调到公司总部去了?”男士回答who will be our new manager?(谁将成为我们的新经理呢?)问题是“男士想知道什么?”B是正确答案。