Writing in Wired Magazine, Jon Katz, a media critic, summarizes the dilemma

游客2023-08-29  11

问题     Writing in Wired Magazine, Jon Katz, a media critic, summarizes the dilemma facing newspaper publishers: "So far, at least, online papers don’t work commercially or conceptually. They take away what’s best about reading a paper and don’t offer what’s best about being online. The newspaper needs to reinvent itself. The object is not to supersede(代替), or put into a different format, but to gain a toe-hold(小立足点)in cyberspace and even absorb some of its values. "

    Reinventing itself is a tall order for an industry that works under constant deadline to produce a new product each day. How can the industry begin to construct a new model that trades on state-of-the-art technology? Paradoxically, the answer comes from reflecting on the past. By analyzing and paring down the essentials of journalism as a craft and a profession, the real essence of the industry will emerge and a predictive model will begin to take shape. To its credit, the newspaper industry has conducted research and written and thought a great deal about what to do in the future.
    The challenge for you will be perhaps your greatest ever. As a producer of newspapers, what you must do first is to determine how you conceive yourself. Are you an organization that supplies newspapers or are you an organization that supplies information? This self-analysis is being conducted in turbulent times when conflicting forces threaten to pull the industry apart. Reading a daily newspaper is a habit of millions of middle-age and older Americans. However, today’s young people often prefer more sophisticated media to the daily ritual of the morning newspaper.
    We are also experiencing what some call an information explosion that threatens to bury even the most zealous reader and intellectual. Ironically, it is the oversupply of information that holds the key to the survival of the newspaper industry. The digitizing of information has created a vast expansion in the amount of information that is readily available to audiences. Books and manuscripts that previously consumed libraries and other physical spaces are now contained in digital bytes that can move with great speed over vast distances. Quite simply, more information is available to more people more quickly than ever before.
    Mass media evolved because people from all walks of life needed help to understand the world around them. Throughout history, newspapers have excelled at collecting, recording, and distributing information at many different levels. As they evolve in light of technological change, newspapers need to embrace that mission anew(再). In fact, defining what is news is now more critical than ever. And it is their ability to do this within the context of new technology that is the key to newspapers’ survival. [br] The words " that mission"(Line 4, Para. 5)refer to______.

选项 A、newspapers
B、newspaper producers
C、the collecting, recording, and distributing of news
D、geographic locales

答案 C

解析 推理判断题。第四段讲到我们正处在一个信息爆炸的时代,在这样一个时代即使是最醉心读书的读者或者学者也可能被“埋葬”了,“埋葬”用在此处只是起到了比喻的作用,由后文提到的“信息过剩”可知其真正意思是读者可读的书太多了,而不是埋葬了读者,故[C]正确;[A]错;[B]、[D]与原文意思相反。