Here’s more proof that most people have habits that aren’t very healthful— a
Here’s more proof that most people have habits that aren’t very healthful— a
Here’s more proof that most people have habits that aren’t very healthful— and sometimes can be plain disgusting.
For a study, medical students secretly watched hundreds of people cough or sneeze at a train station, a shopping mall and a hospital in New Zealand. What they saw wasn’t pretty, with most people failing to properly prevent an explosion of infectious germs in air. The work was done in the capital city of Wellington over two weeks last August, at the tail end of a worrisome but fairly mild wave of swine flu illnesses. It was a time when the pandemic (流行病)was international news, and public health campaigns were telling children and adults to be careful about spreading the virus.
The good news is that about three of every four people tried to cover their cough or sneeze, in at least a token attempt to prevent germs from flying through the air. The bad news is that most people—about two of three—used their hands to do it. "When you cough into your hands, you cover your hand in virus," said study author Nick Wilson, an associate professor of public health at the Otago University campus in Wellington. "Then you touch doorknobs, furniture and other things. And other people touch those and get viruses that way," he explained. Health officials recommend that people sneeze into their elbow, in a move sometimes called "the Dracula" for its resemblance to a vampire (吸血鬼)suddenly drawing up his cape. But only about 1 in 77 did that. Using a tissue or handkerchief is another preferred option, but only about 1 in 30 did that.
More bad news: The researchers didn’t report numbers on this, but several times they saw people spat on the floor, including at the hospital. "They were a bit grossed out," Wilson said, describing the reaction of his team, which logged 384 sneezes and coughs. Wilson called the findings surprising, especially given that it occurred only four months after the virus was first identified, when it was still considered unusually dangerous. The study was presented Monday at an infectious diseases conference in Atlanta.
Coughing into hands might be fine if everyone promptly and thoroughly disinfected (消毒)their hands afterward, but no one believes that’s happening. A 2007 study by Harris Interactive done in public restrooms suggested that about one in four people don’t even wash their hands after going to the bathroom. It found that men were the worst, with one out of three failing to wash up. [br] The medical students observed in public places that most people did not appropriately stop spreading______.
infectious germs
同义转述题。本题考查医科学生在公共场所进行的实验结果。定位句指出,新西兰医学院的学生在车站、商场等公共场所进行的研究不太乐观,大多数人没能恰当地防止传染性病菌在空气中的传播。故得出答案为infectious germs。题干中的did notappropriately stop是对文中failing to properlyprevent的同义转述。
以下复方抗感冒药的组分中,呈现改善体液局部循环作用的是A.咖啡因 B.菠萝蛋白
漏出性出血最常见的部位是( )。。A.毛细血管 B.小动脉 C.小静脉
属于抗M胆碱类扩瞳药的药物包括()A.阿托品 B.后马托品 C.麻黄碱