[originaltext]W: Well, Jack, I would offer you another drink but I have guests

游客2023-08-28  11

W: Well, Jack, I would offer you another drink but I have guests coming and I haven’t even begun to prepare the dinner. Thanks for stopping by.
M: Thanks for the drink. It has been nice seeing you, too.
Q: Why did the woman mention her dinner guests?

选项 A、To invite the man to join them.
B、To suggest politely that he leave.
C、To offer to let him help cook.
D、To encourage him to have another drink.

答案 B

解析 对话中女士提到Thanks for stopping by。英语交际中,当感谢来访等话(如Thanks for stopping by/visiting)作结束语时,一般表示主人因某种原因希望来访能结束,客人能离开,由此可知,答案为[B]。