All over the country these days, electronic mail messages are【B1】______with

游客2023-08-28  9

问题     All over the country these days, electronic mail messages are【B1】______with this odd little punctuation sequence:-(or one of its many variants :-). These are smileys, so-called because when you【B2】______your head to the left they look like little faces with a colon for eyes and a hyphen for a nose.
    It was 20 years ago that Scott Fahlman taught the Net how to smile. He was a computer scientist who devoted his professional life to【B3】______intelligence, the practice of teaching computers how to think like humans. But the bearded scientist is perhaps best known for a flash of【B4】______that helped to【B5】______Internet culture.
    By the early 1980’s, the Computer Science community was making heavy use of online bulletin boards or "BBS". A good many of the posts were【B6】______. The problem was that if someone made a sarcastic remark, a few readers would【B7】______to get the joke. This problem caused some people to suggest that maybe it would be a good idea to【B8】______mark posts that were not to be taken seriously. After all, when using text-based online communication, 【B9】______. So on Sept. 19th, 1982, Fahlman typed :-)in an online message. "【B10】______," he later wrote. The "smiley face" has since become a staple of online communication.【B11】______ [br] 【B4】


答案 inspiration

解析 空前的介词of表明此处应填一名词。此句是说Scott Fahlman教授虽然从事的是人工智能研究,但最为世人所知的是他在定义互联网文化时所表现出的灵感。a flash of inspiration意为“灵感闪现”。