[originaltext]W: I think if you want to get some excitement in your life you ou
[originaltext]W: I think if you want to get some excitement in your life you ou
W: I think if you want to get some excitement in your life you ought to become a leader.
M: Yes. I feel a totally different life when I have our company.
W: Could you give me some suggestions on how to be a good leader?
M: I think the biggest mistake many people have is that they don’t realize there are two parts of leadership. I think leadership comprises visionary direction and implementation.
W: What are they exactly?
M: Visionary direction part is where we are going. What are we trying to accomplish? And the leaders have to take a major role in setting those. And once the goals are clear, the second part of leadership is how to get there.
W: What’s your outlook on those who want to lead and organize their own businesses?
M: Well, I think first of all you have to find something you love to do. Then you have to find out how you can make a business out of that. Then come the big issues in running a business.
W: That is the thing I am most concerned.
M: Not to be eliminated, you need a good finance. You need to have some people to help get off the ground and then you gradually learn about managing and leading people.
W: Say I am someone who is just now entering the work force. I am excited and passionate about what I have chosen to do but somehow I have to keep the passion. How can I maintain that kind of excitement so that I can excel?
M: I think the best advice is that when you go to a job, find somebody who is older than you, who has more experience than you and ask him if he would be your counselor.
22. What is the visionary direction for being a leader?
23. What is the implementation for being a leader?
24. What is the first thing to do if someone wants to open his own business?
25. How to maintain the excitement when you just enter a job?
A、The rewards for the leader.
B、The reputation of a leader.
C、The approach to achieving goals.
D、The payment of employees.
A.疏肝理气,活血化瘀 B.清热利湿,解毒破结 C.养阴清热,解毒祛瘀 D
根据读图, 下列地形区全部位于图中阴影部分的一组是( )。A.青藏高原、
以下属于唐代儿科医家的是A.张仲景 B.张子和 C.孙思邈 D.钱乙 E
房产出租的,以房产()为房产税的计税依据.A:承租人收入 B:出租人收入 C
下列药物中毒时瞳孔缩小的是A.苯巴比妥 B.阿托品 C.肉毒素 D.罂粟碱
体温单底栏的填写内容是( )。A.体温 B.脉搏 C.呼吸 D.住院天数
A.应分开一定距离或有隔离措施 B.应有适宜药品分类保管和符合药品储存要求的库