[originaltext]W: Maybe we should take Front Street this morning. The radio anno

游客2023-08-28  15

W: Maybe we should take Front Street this morning. The radio announcer said that traffic was very heavy on the freeway.
M: Well, if he says to take Front Street we should go the other way!
Q: What does the man mean?
M: Do you know where our football coach Michael is? I’m going to start training tomorrow for the football season.
W: Should you be playing right away, after you just got over that leg injury?
Q: What does the woman imply?

选项 A、The man’s condition now is not; suitable for exercise.
B、The man is not qualified for football match.
C、The man’s leg was injured in the last football season.
D、The man’s football coach is not Michael now.

答案 A

解析 男士想要明天就开始为足球赛季进行训练;女士则提出疑问:“你的腿伤刚痊愈,马上就要踢球了吗?”可见女士是暗示男士现在的状况并不适合进行训练,A正确。