[originaltext]W: I’m afraid the project has to be given up. You know, my partne

游客2023-08-27  15

W: I’m afraid the project has to be given up. You know, my partner always turns a deaf ear to me whenever we have any difference.
M: Why don’t you communicate with each other? There must be some misunderstandings.
Q: What does the man suggest the woman do?
M: Who were you talking to just now? I kept calling you but it was always busy.
W: Oh, sorry. It’s Tracy, you know, she’s always well-informed of the latest news in our class so I can’t wait to talk with her.
Q: What do we learn about Tracy from the conversation?

选项 A、She is eager to share news with the woman.
B、She enjoys making up stories about other people.
C、She can never keep anything to herself for long.
D、She often knows the updated news in their class.

答案 D

解析 男士问女士刚刚在跟谁讲电话,女士说“跟Tracy,她是我们班消息最灵通的人”。可见D是对Tracy的正确描述。know the updated news与be well-informed of the latest news同义。