[originaltext]M: Come on, Kate. The sun’s shinning. The flowers are blooming. M

游客2023-08-27  16

M: Come on, Kate. The sun’s shinning. The flowers are blooming. Maybe you are missing the point of life.
W: Maybe you are missing the point of this chemistry study group.
Q: What does the woman mean?
W: Are you cold? Why aren’t you wearing your jacket?
M: I overslept this morning so I rushed out of the house without considering the dress.
Q: What does the man mean?

选项 A、He forgot to bring his jacket.
B、He had no more clothes to wear.
C、He didn’t know whether it would be cold.
D、He djdn’t have time to look for his jacket.

答案 D

解析 女士问男士是不是觉得冷,为什么没有穿夹克。男士回答说今早睡过头了,没顾上考虑穿什么衣服便从家里冲了出来,即他没有时间找他的夹克,故选D)项。