[originaltext]M: Come on, Kate. The sun’s shinning. The flowers are blooming. M

游客2023-08-27  14

M: Come on, Kate. The sun’s shinning. The flowers are blooming. Maybe you are missing the point of life.
W: Maybe you are missing the point of this chemistry study group.
Q: What does the woman mean?
W: I am heading over to the theatre box office to get the tickets for this weekend concert before you’re all gone.
M: I hate to tell you this, but from what I read in the paper this morning, you are already too late.
Q: What does the man imply?

选项 A、It’s too late to buy the morning newspaper.
B、He doesn’t want to go to the concert.
C、The box office is closed today.
D、A11 of the tickets have been sold out.

答案 D

解析 女士说要去售票处买周末音乐会的票,男士说从他今早读的报纸上的消息来看,女士已经晚了一步,意即票已售完,故选D)项。