[originaltext]W: We had a delicious Sunday brunch at that new hotel downtown. Y

游客2023-08-27  10

W: We had a delicious Sunday brunch at that new hotel downtown. You should try it sometime.
M: I didn’t even know the building was finished. See how much I’ve been working lately.
Q: What does the man imply?
W: Hi Mike, I hear you and Peter found the new place.
M: Yeah, the apartment is pretty nice, but after living there a couple of months, I am wondering if 1 can afford to stay in it.
Q: What does the man imply?

选项 A、He’ll move into his new apartment in a couple of months.
B、He’d like the woman to help him move into the apartment.
C、He hopes Peter will move into the apartment soon.
D、The apartment might be too expensive for him.

答案 D

解析 女士听说男士和Peter找了个新地方,男士回答公寓很好,但在住了几个月后,他怀疑自己能否负担得起,可知公寓对他来说可能太贵,故选D)项。