[originaltext]M: I am so relieved I just finished the story I was working on fo
[originaltext]M: I am so relieved I just finished the story I was working on fo
M: I am so relieved I just finished the story I was working on for our creative writing course.
W: I haven’t quite finished mine yet. I had trouble getting pass the beginning.
M: How come?
W: (22)Well, I was really happy to be writing a detective story. But after the first few pages, I sort of froze up mentally. I just couldn’t write any more.
M: The same thing happened to me. I thought it meant I lack imagination.
W: Well, Prof. Wilson said it’s pretty common for writers to get stuck like that.
M: You went to talk to her about it?
W: (23)Actually, I went to ask for more time to finish the assignment. But instead she gave me some advice about how to keep from getting stalled writing like that. She said that the first thing I should do is just write anything that come into my head even if it doesn’t make any sense, sort of warm up exercise.
M: That is interesting.(24)When I got stuck, I shift to something else, you know, do some work for one of my other courses.
W: Well, her methods seem to have worked for me. I’ve written most of the story, and I should be able to hand it in on time. But first I need go to the jewelry store.
M: You are going shopping? Can’t you wait until you finish your story?
W: (25)I am going there for my story. My detective solves a jewelry store robbery. So I want to take a look at how the jewelry cases are arranged, where the security cameras are located, that sort of thing.
22. What is the woman writing for her creative writing course?
23. What did the woman talk to Prof. Wilson for?
24. What does the man do when he gets stuck in writing?
25. Why will the woman go to the jewelry store?
A、To watch the jewelry store robbery.
B、To collect materials for her story.
C、To buy some valuable jewelry.
D、To take some photographs.
病毒与其他微生物的根本区别在于病毒()。A.可通过细菌滤器 B.寄生在易感的
九味羌活汤证的病因病机是A、风邪在表,卫强营弱,营卫不和 B、风寒湿邪,困束肌
享有优先认股权的股东的选择有(). Ⅰ.认购新发行的普通股票Ⅱ.将该权利转让
A.首剂减半量 B.隔日疗法 C.每晚睡前1次给药 D.早晨1次顿服 E
当行政行为违法时,下列选项中,除()外,都拥有撤销权。A.人民法院. B.
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下列金融工具中,属于短期金融工具的是()。A.公司债券 B.股票 C.大额可