[originaltext]M: So how come you chose psychology?W: Well, at first I didn’t h

游客2023-08-27  11

M: So how come you chose psychology?
W: Well, at first I didn’t have any clear idea of what I wanted to do after university. I didn’t say to myself "I want to be a clinical psychologist or a researcher or anything like that. "(22)I suppose I have just always been interested in people and the way they act.
M: And what was the course like?
W: It was just great. The whole course was based on a problem solving approach. (23)The teachers were all really friendly and they had this special approach to teaching, which is my favorite part.
M: I see from your CV that you graduated in 2005 and after that, let me see...
W: I got a job with the department of employment. It was only a temporary thing for about six months. Then I got my first job. (24)I designed questionnaires and things like that for surveys that they carried out. And I guess the psychology course at college helped me a lot.
M: So why did you leave?
W: Well, four years is a long time to be asking people questions. You know those sorts of questions about washing powder and shampoo.(25)I felt that while I could do it well, now I want to do something else that’s a little different. It just wasn’t challenging for me any more. So I decided to move when I heard about the position of Senior Researcher here at institute I knew that’s exactly what I want.
22. Why did the woman want to learn psychology?
23. What did the woman like most about the course she learned?
24. What did the woman do for her first job?
25. Why did the woman decide to quit her first job?

选项 A、She was unsatisfied with the salary.
B、She didn’t like the changeable job.
C、She wanted something more challenging.
D、She failed to get a promotion.

答案 C

解析 在对话的最后,女士提到她想做些不同的事情,因为原来的工作对于她来说已经没有任何挑战性了,故答案为C)。