舞狮(Lion Dance)大约起源于南北朝时期,到了唐朝,狮子舞已发展为上百人集体表演的大型歌舞。舞狮在中国是一项传统体育项目,也是一种传统文化艺术,

游客2023-08-26  41

问题     舞狮(Lion Dance)大约起源于南北朝时期,到了唐朝,狮子舞已发展为上百人集体表演的大型歌舞。舞狮在中国是一项传统体育项目,也是一种传统文化艺术,从北方到南方,从城市到乡村,逢年过节及庆典盛事,都可以看到欢快的舞狮。民间认为舞狮可以很好地把百姓的欢喜心情表达出来,也最能烘托热闹气氛。人们相信狮子是吉祥瑞兽,而舞狮能够带来好运,所以每逢节日和喜庆活动,都会舞狮助兴,祈求吉利如意(luck and fortune)。


答案     The lion dance originated in the Northern and Southern Dynasties, developing into large-scale singing and dancing performed by hundreds of people collectively in the Tang Dynasty. The lion dance is a traditional culture and art. From the North to the South, from cities to countries, people can see cheerful lion dances on New Year’s Day and on other festivals and celebrations. Folk people believe that the lion dance can express people’s feelings of joy, and it can also set off the lively atmosphere. People believe that the lion is a lucky beast that expresses joy and happiness. Therefore, the lion dance plays an important role at official celebrations and happy events to summon luck and fortune.
