[originaltext]W: What’s your address, sir?M: 4627 North Ellis Street. That’s h

游客2023-08-26  19

W: What’s your address, sir?
M: 4627 North Ellis Street. That’s here in town.
W: That’s a nice neighborhood. How do you like it?
M: The neighborhood is fine, but we don’t like the rent very much.
W: Who does! Just a few more questions, Mr. Crosby. How many people will be included in the coverage?
M: Just me and my wife. What do we do when we want to renew it next year?
W: Just stop by here again next year and let us know. For details on your coverage you can look through our brochure. The policy includes major hospital expenses and doctors’ fees for both you and your wife. By the way, sir, I need your I. D. number. And the name of your department.
M: Well, I’m afraid I don’t have one yet.
W: Don’t have what?
M: A department. You see, I haven’t... uh... decided yet what department will accept me.
W: I see. Then, what is your status? You have to be a registered student to get health insurance.
M: Well, I’m almost registered. I’m sure it’s just a matter of two or three days now.
W: Mr. Crosby, I think you’d better wait a couple of days until you get registered. Then come back and complete your application.
M: But what if I get sick today?
W: I’m afraid there’s nothing we can do now. Here. Take a couple of aspirin and hope for the best.
Questions 12 to 15 are based on the conversation you have just heard.
12. What are they mainly talking about?
13. What’s the man discontented with about the place where he lives now?
14. How many people will be included in the man’s coverage?
15. Why couldn’t the man complete his application today?

选项 A、He doesn’t have an I. D. number now.
B、He doesn’t have a department.
C、He isn’t a registered student yet.
D、He doesn’t bring enough money.

答案 C

解析 选项中的He doesn’t have和isn’t…registered表明,本题可能是与男士遇到的问题有关。对话中女士说男士必须是a registered student才可以上健康保险,男士则说他马上就注册了,也就是两三天的时间,女士则建议男士最好等几天,注册完之后再来完成申请,由此可知,男士今天不能完成申请是因为他还不是a registered student,故答案为C)。