[originaltext]W: Has my order arrived yet? I have been expecting it last week.

游客2023-08-25  14

W: Has my order arrived yet? I have been expecting it last week.
M: I called the company this morning. They had some labor problems, so your order will be shipped late. It should be here by the end of the week.
Q: What has caused the delay of the shipment?
W: I can never tell whether it’s Lisa or Gale on the phone. Their voices sound incredibly similar.
M: That’s about the only thing they have in common for twins, believe it or not.
Q: What does the man mean?

选项 A、The twins’ voices are quite different.
B、Lisa and Gale are not very much alike.
C、He does not believe they are twin sisters.
D、The woman seems a bit hard of hearing.

答案 B

解析 弦外之音题。对话中,女士表示自己在电话里分不出Lisa和Gale的声音.男士则表示声音是这对双胞胎唯一相同之处。言外之意,她们有很多不同点。