[originaltext]W: Has my order arrived yet? I have been expecting it last week.

游客2023-08-25  11

W: Has my order arrived yet? I have been expecting it last week.
M: I called the company this morning. They had some labor problems, so your order will be shipped late. It should be here by the end of the week.
Q: What has caused the delay of the shipment?
W: Mary is going to get a little dog from one of her relatives.
M: Really? But I hear her apartment building is about to place a ban on pet animals.
Q: What does the man imply?

选项 A、Mary should get rid of her pet as soon as possible.
B、Mary will not be able to keep a dog in the building.
C、Mary is not happy with the ban on pet animals.
D、Mary might as well send her dog to her relative.

答案 B

解析 弦外之音题。对话中.女士提到Mary将会从亲戚那里得到一条小狗,男士却说听说Mary所住的公寓楼将要禁止养宠物。由此可知,Mary不能在公寓里养狗。