[originaltext]W: I’m really looking forward to this trip with our geology class

游客2023-08-25  15

W: I’m really looking forward to this trip with our geology class. But I’m not certain if I have the strength to carry a backpack up and down the mountain, especially when it’s full of tools.
M: They are taking two donkeys to carry the tools. We just have to carry our personal items, like clothing and sleeping bags.
Q: What does the man mean?
M: I’m sorry I missed the football game, but I had a terrible cold.
W: You didn’t miss anything. We couldn’t have played worse.
Q: What does the woman imply?

选项 A、The game has been canceled.
B、Their team played very badly.
C、Football is her favourite pastime.
D、She’s never watched a better game.

答案 B

解析 女士的话we couldn’t have played worse.(我们踢得不能再差了)为听音重点,B)是对女士的话的同义转述,故为答案。Couldn’thave done sth.+比较级,用来表达“某事做得不能再……了”。