[originaltext]M: Do you have a seat for the concert tomorrow?W: No seats at al

游客2023-08-25  8

M: Do you have a seat for the concert tomorrow?
W: No seats at all, but we sell standing-room tickets two hours before the performance.
Q: What does the woman mean?
M: Professor Taylor hated that he wasn’t that keen on students using Internet sources in their papers, and seemed disappointed so many had.
W: I’m just wondering if he’ll take it out on me, especially. I used practically nothing else in mine.
Q: What does the woman mean?

选项 A、She’ll definitely get a good grade because she didn’t use Internet sources.
B、She wonders how well she’ll perform on her paper for using Internet sources.
C、She’ll get a bad grade because she used Internet sources and something else.
D、She’ll probably do badly on her paper since she used nothing but Internet sources.

答案 D

解析 由男士提到的泰勒教授对如此多的学生利用网络资源写论文感到失望可知,秦勒教授反对学生利用网络资源写论文。由女士提到的I used practically nothing else in mine可知,她只用了网络资源写论文,所以她很可能因此论文成绩不好,故答案为D)。nothing but意为“只有”;take it out on sb.意为“向某人出气,把某人当出气筒”。