[originaltext]W: Since it’s the rush hour, let’s take the subway.M: OK. It’s n

游客2023-08-25  14

W: Since it’s the rush hour, let’s take the subway.
M: OK. It’s not as direct as the bus, but it’s faster and there will be less chance of a traffic jam. I think it is the best choice for us right now.
Q: Why do the man and the woman make such a decision?

选项 A、The bus is direct though expensive.
B、The subway is fast and less expensive.
C、The subway is faster though less direct.
D、There is no traffic jam on the subway.

答案 C

解析 对话中女士提到take the subway,男士回答OK.It’s not as direct as the bus,but it’s faster…由此可知,二人选择地铁是因为它比较快,虽然不是直达,故答案为C)。