The Englishman suspects all theories, philosophical or other. He suspects ev

游客2023-08-25  15

问题     The Englishman suspects all theories, philosophical or other. He suspects everything new and is reluctant to accept it at the very beginning, unless he is【C1】______by the force of circumstances to see that this new thing has advantages over the old. They do not consult historical【C2】______in order to decide what to do: They first learn the facts as they are: then they depend upon their own common sense, not at all upon their university learning or upon philosophical theories.
    It is difficult to get praise from the Englishman. A new idea, a noble action, and an【C3】______painting — any of these things will be admired and praised by every other people in Europe long before you can get Englishmen to praise. The Englishman all this time is trying to find fault. Why should he try to find fault? He has【C4】______the terrible caution of his ancestors in regard to mistakes. Unless it【C5】______him he is away from mistakes, he will not accept the new thing. He has learned【C6】______his ancestors taught him.
    The judgment of the Englishman by all other European peoples is that he is the most【C7】______. the most unreceptive, and the most unfriendly among other peoples. Another typical character of English people is that they are the most【C8】______of all western peoples. If you ask a Frenchman, an Italian, a German, even an American, what he thinks about Englishmen, every one of them will have a common answer — Englishmen are so proud of themselves that it is difficult for them to accept things beyond their present conditions.
    But you would find upon the other hand that nearly all nations would speak【C9】______of certain other English qualities — energy, courage, honour. The friendship of an Englishman once gained is more strong and true than any other. It must be acknowledged that the English character is especially well fitted for the struggle. It is neither a lovable nor an agreeable character: it is not even kindly, for kindness is an emotional【C10】______, and the Englishman never likes to do things on the spur of the moment. But with all this, the character is a grand one, and its success has been the best proof of its value.
A)impulse I)exquisite
B)arrogant J)ensures
C)invariably K)inherited
D)importance L)grace
E)highly M)precedents
F)compelled N)suspicious
G)caution O)resemble
H)complied [br] 【C7】


答案 N

解析 此处是讲别的国家的人对英国人的评价。由并列关系可知及前文讲英国人对任何事物都持怀疑态度这一性格特点,可以判断选项N)suspicious为正确答案。B)arrogant虽然也可以用在这个地方,但是综合上文的语义承接和第40题,此处答案为N)suspicious。