The most promising effort in years to restore fairness and hope to the immig

游客2023-08-24  19

问题     The most promising effort in years to restore fairness and hope to the immigration system begins Wednesday, when the Obama administration will start accepting applications from young, undocumented immigrants who want to be shielded from deportation(驱逐出境)so they can be free to work and go to school.
    The program to halt deportations is limited, hedged by detailed rules and not to be confused with broad immigration reform, which is out of reach at a time when resentment against the undocumented runs high in Washington and in the states.
    But any progress away from indiscriminate immigration enforcement, and toward opening pathways to a fuller involvement in society, is worth noting and celebrating.
    Under the program, applicants must have been brought to the United States before turning 16, be under 31, have clean records and have lived here for at least the last five years. Those who are accepted will not be legalized, even if they are given permission to work. They will instead be granted two-year deferrals(延期)of deportation, which are renewable.
    By one estimate ,1.7 million of the country’s 11 million undocumented immigrants may qualify.
    Announced by President Obama in June, the program is not the legalization or path to citizenship that millions are longing for and deserve. It’s simply a decision by the Department of Homeland Security, at President Obama’s instruction, to get its enforcement priorities right—focusing on removing criminals and others who threaten community safety, not the law-abiding, hard-working young people who pose no threat and cannot be blamed for their unauthorized status.
    There are two major worries as the program unfolds. One is whether Citizenship and Immigration Services, the agency that will run the program, can handle the administrative load. Alejandro Mayorkas, the director, says his agency is investing in staffing and training, helped along by the $ 465 fee charged to each applicant. The agency depends entirely on fees.
    The other fear is that applicants will fall prey to fraud. Immigration law is extremely complicated, which dishonest consultants, known as "notarios" , take full advantage of. Applicants who are rejected have no right to appeal and will still risk deportation, especially those whose paperwork was falsified(伪造的). The citizenship agency needs to do all it can to educate applicants and prevent frauds.
    Then there will be the attacks from those who cannot stomach anything less than the ejection of every last immigrant who lacks legal status. This harshness is exemplified by Senator Jeff Sessions, Republican of Alabama, who denounced the program on Wednesday.
    " I cannot overstate the tragedy of this," he said, doing just that. His inability to distinguish " criminal aliens" from the young strivers the United States needs is the reason the country has been forced into administrative half-measures, rather than real legislative reform. [br] Why doesn’t the United States take the real legislative immigration reform?

选项 A、The immigration agency cannot handle the administrative load.
B、The United States regards all the immigrants criminal aliens.
C、Senator Jeff Sessions highlights the losses illegal immigrants may incur.
D、Jeff Sessions bears resentment against all the undocumented immigrants.

答案 D

解析 推理判断题。本题考查导致美国被迫采取权宜之计进行行政管理而非进行真正的立法改革的原因。由定位句可知,杰夫·赛辛斯不能将“犯罪的外来客”与美国所需的年轻奋斗者区分开来。结合倒数第二段可知,部分美国人完全不能容忍任何非法移民,而这一点可以由共和党参议员杰夫·赛辛斯做例证。南此推知,杰夫·赛辛斯对所有非法移民都存有敌意,这才导致他不分青红皂白,继而导致美国被迫采取行政管理而非进行真正的立法改革,故答案为D)。A)“移民局处理不好行政负担”和B)“美国将所有移民都看做犯罪的外来客”与原文内容相反,故排除;C)“参议员杰夫·赛辛斯强调非法移民可能招致的损失”,末段首句只是提到,杰夫·赛辛斯在抨击新移民计划时说他并没有夸大这一计划可能带来的悲剧,属于推断过度,可排除。