[originaltext]M: Hey, Vale. Since you’re from Argentina, I’d have to ask you ab

游客2023-08-24  13

M: Hey, Vale. Since you’re from Argentina, I’d have to ask you about soccer.
W: Yes, sure. What do you want to know about soccer?
M: Argentina is really famous for soccer, because I’ve seen it from the news but I don’t really know how Argentinean people think of football.
W:(9)OK, let me tell you that for us, football is something like natural. Everybody has the experience of playing soccer.
M: Yeah, since you can run and kick the ball, I mean everyone practice football or soccer.
W: How do you choose a team in your country?
M: That’s, I think that’s an issue. You have to choose just one team basically.
W: What do you mean just one team?
M: You can’t support several teams, it’s just one.
W: I see and it should be the same through all your life or can we change?
M: OK, you can change but it’s not really, it’s not allowed actually by your friends or your family.
W: Sorry, does anybody change team?
M: I’ve seen some people who have changed but they’re not really like into soccer.(10)If you’re really into soccer you would never change it and not because of your group or not because of society, because if you’re really into football that’s if you choose a team, that’s the team you support forever.
W: Because in Argentina it is said there are two things that you cannot change, your mum and your team.
M: OK, that’s good.
W: No matter how bad things are for your team, you have to support; you will support the same team all your life.
M:(11)Yeah, we don’t have that saying in Chile but I think it’s pretty much the same. You shouldn’t change your team.
9. What do we learn about soccer in Argentina?
10. What does the man think makes people change their team?
11. What can we learn about soccer in Chile?

选项 A、It is a very popular sport on TV.
B、It is part of people’s daily life.
C、Players are well-known and wealthy.
D、All people have experience of playing soccer.

答案 D

解析 对话开头,男士询问女士足球在阿根廷的情况,女士回答说足球对于阿根廷人来说是很自然的,每个人都有踢球的经历,故答案为D)。