[originaltext]M: Please have a seat, Miss Green. Thanks for coming in. Did you

游客2023-08-24  10

M: Please have a seat, Miss Green. Thanks for coming in. Did you bring your resume?
W: Yes. Here it is.
M: Great. First of all, let me tell you a little bit about the job. We’re looking for someone to sell our new software product internationally.(12)The job requires flexibility, independence and most importantly, a pleasant manner and relation with customers.
W: I know that’s really important. You know I’ve worked in sales for years and have always tried to listen to my customers to find out what they need. I think I’m really good at that.
M: That’s great. So could you tell me a little bit about your experience with software programs?
W: Well,(13)I’ve trained people how to use a similar software product for the past two years at my current job, so I really feel I know the product and the customers’ needs.
M: And what about your sales experience?
W: I’ve been with my present company for about three years and in my present position since last year. During the past three years, I’ve been named Salesperson of the Month three times,(14)and have taken top sales awards several times as well. And I’ve mentioned all of them in my resume.
M: Very impressive, Miss Green.
W:(15)I’m also taking graduate courses right now in marketing. I feel it really helps me understand the market better, especially the competition.
M: You’ve been very busy, Miss Green. Well, thanks very much and we’ll be in touch then.
12. What’s the most important quality for the job according to the man?
13. What does the woman do at her current job?
14. What do we know about the woman’s sales experience?
15. Why does the woman take courses in marketing?

选项 A、She has been in her current position for three years.
B、She was nominated the Top Salesperson last year.
C、She has won several awards for her sales performance.
D、She trained people to get the Salesperson of the Month.

答案 C

解析 女士在介绍自己的工作经历时说,她在目前的公司工作已经3年了,自去年起担任目前的岗位。在过去的三年中,她三次被提名为“销售月度之星”,还曾拿过几项头等销售奖励。