[originaltext]W: Todd, I’d like to ask you some questions about ELLLO. How long

游客2023-08-24  15

W: Todd, I’d like to ask you some questions about ELLLO. How long have you been running it?
M: Actually, I started it in 2003.(9)It began as a graduate school project in January, and I was able to get the first bits of the website up around June 2003.
W: Did you do something like needs analysis, or did you try and research what people wanted? Were you getting input from anywhere?
M: No, it was actually pretty organic.(10)In Japan my students were always trying to practice English, but at that time there were’t really that many materials for them to listen to.
W: Yeah, it’s really a big problem for the foreign students who really want to master English. So what did you do?
M: Well, looking at the textbooks, I noticed that everything was scripted, and I just wondered that if I changed them into recordings for listening, what would the result be?
W: So what was the result? Were your recordings successful?
M: You bet. I showed them to the students, and they loved them.(11)At first, I was making the
recordings on these little MP’s and loaned them to the students.
W: What happened then? Actually we know that the digital things developed dramatically, yeah?
M: Yeah. Then I heard of this thing called MP3. You know, that means that it can play on a computer. So I decided to learn how to do the online stuff.
W: What’s been the most rewarding thing for you doing this project?
M:(12)The most rewarding thing is that there are a lot of students that have shown me from around the world their appreciation for my free website.
9. What was the original pattern of ELLLO?
10. What kind of practice do the English learners lack in Japan?
11. How did the man provide listening materials at the very beginning?
12. According to the man, what is the most satisfying thing for running ELLLO?

选项 A、He spoke to the students face to face.
B、He made recordings and lent them to the students.
C、He lent his MP3 player to the students.
D、He downloaded the materials from the Internet.

答案 B

解析 对话中男士说他提供的听力材料学生们非常喜欢,最开始他是以迷你光盘的形式借给学生们使用的。由此推断,男士最初将刻有听力材料的迷你光盘借给学生们,供他们练习听力。