[originaltext]M: I feel sorry about my mistake. I will pay for the damage of yo

游客2023-08-24  13

M: I feel sorry about my mistake. I will pay for the damage of your car and promise to shoulder the whole responsibility.
W: Oh, it doesn’t matter. This thing happens quite often nowadays in the rush hour and the mechanic will fix this slight paintwork scratch easily.
Q: What can we learn from the conversation?
M: I am so proud of our son at the parents’ meeting. The teacher praised him for his devotion to the class duty.
W: Yes, but I would be more thankful if he can spend more time on his study.
Q: What can we learn about the speakers’ son?

选项 A、He doesn’t study well.
B、He doesn’t like the teachers.
C、He isn’t responsible for the class duty.
D、He isn’t getting on well with his classmates.

答案 A

解析 男士说他为儿子感到骄傲,在家长会上老师因其乐于班级事务而表扬了他;女士说如果儿子能在学习上多花一点时间就更好了。言外之意,他们的儿子学习并不是很好。