[originaltext]M: I feel sorry about my mistake. I will pay for the damage of yo

游客2023-08-24  8

M: I feel sorry about my mistake. I will pay for the damage of your car and promise to shoulder the whole responsibility.
W: Oh, it doesn’t matter. This thing happens quite often nowadays in the rush hour and the mechanic will fix this slight paintwork scratch easily.
Q: What can we learn from the conversation?
M: Do you think I’m too easy to be satisfied with my present job? Some of my friends say I should take up a challenge and change my job for some new experience.
W: Let them say what they want. You know, a rolling stone gathers no moss.
Q: What does the woman mean?

选项 A、She thinks the man should take up more challenges.
B、She thinks the man should follow his friends’ advice.
C、She thinks the man should work harder than before.
D、She thinks the man should continue with his current job.

答案 D

解析 男士说他的一些朋友们建议他换一份工作以获得新经验,女士劝男士不要管别人的想法,滚石不生苔。由此可知,女士建议男士不要轻易换工作。a rolling stone gathers no moss意为“滚石不生苔”。