[originaltext]W: So, Tony, what is your current job?M: Well, I work as a trans

游客2023-08-24  12

W: So, Tony, what is your current job?
M: Well, I work as a transport planner for an international consultancy based in New Zealand.
W: OK. So, what is it? Is it like that you plan things being transported across the ocean?
M: No. Transport planning stems from town planning. (12)Basically, transport planning involves planning of things that you can use to move people around.
W: So, what specifically do you do, designing bus routes or something alike?
M: Well, I can plan bus routes, but quite often it ends up being a policy-driven work.(13)What I end up doing is environmental impact assessments. For example, if you’ve got a new shopping center, I’d look at what impact it would have on the environment, and if there is possibility of reducing car use.
W: So, what are some ways that can reduce car use?
M: Well, there are quite a few different ways.(14)The fundamental one would be to influence people’s behavior and to change their mental attitude towards transport.
W: Yes, that’s very important. Anything else?
M: The second one is to raise petrol prices. The other thing you could do is to make parking difficult in some public places.
W: Yes, but are there some other more positive measures? I mean some measures that can benefit the citizens?
M: Well,(15)the thing can be done is to promote the benefits of taking public transport, walking and cycling. There are also benefits from walking because it’s healthier. And there are benefits of not driving, which means you’re not emitting pollution into the air.
12. What is transport planning?
13. What is the content of the man’s job?
14. What is the fundamental measure to reduce car use?
15. Which measure will be beneficial to people concerning reducing car use?

选项 A、The enhancement of public transport.
B、The change of people’s mental attitude.
C、The evaluation of environmental influence.
D、The beautification of city appearance.

答案 C

解析 对话中,男士说自己工作的落脚点往往在环境影响评估上。由此推断,男士工作的内容是就交通对环境的影响进行评估。